Grand total of a particular column in PageTable/Datatable/repeat

By default salesforce doesn't have option to display SUM of column values in PageBlock Table / Repeat / DataTable we can achieve by a simple hack using Javascript and Apex:variable
This example explains how to add/Sum up Column values in Contacts, Following are code snippets responsible for displaying Total Cell
on top of PageBlockTable / Repeat / DataTable
<apex:variable value="{!0.00}" var="Total"/>
Below code snippet is for adding column/Cell values,
is important here as it responsible for naming footer
<apex:column headerValue="Amount">
<apex:outputField value="{!con.Amount__c}"/>
<apex:variable var="Total" value="{!Total + con.Amount__c}"/>
<!-- Footer of the first Cell -->
<apex:facet name="footer">
Total: <span class="amountSum"></span>
- Now display it using
as shown
document.getElementsByClassName('amountSum')[0].innerHTML = '{!Total}';
Working code for **Visualforce Page [here](**